Farewell to a Very Turbulent 2024! Hello to a Challenging Yet Fantastic 2025!
As this year draws to a close it is a time to reflect on all of the good that came from 2024 along with the turbulent economic times and a world on the edge. I want to wish everyone a safe and happy New Year as we send 2024 off into history and look hopefully toward a fantastic 2025! Our thoughts and prayers are with all who have suffered. Hardships abound in these unprecedented times. We have come through tough times before and we are certain we’ll make it through these as well. Hopefully we’ll be on the other side of this darkness very soon.
I want to express my sincere gratitude to all of those who helped make the year the very best it could be. “Thank you!” These are arguably the two most powerful words in the English language. Customers love to hear and feel a sincere “thank you”. Imagine what would happen to your business if everyone increased their use of these two words with associates and customers. We have all heard “thank you” directed at us, knowing full well there was little sincerity behind it. For today’s wired and dangerous customer living in such a challenging time we know that indifference is a killer and customers exit rapidly when they sense this attitude. Delivering great service means making sure that your entire organization communicates gratitude in a fashion that makes customers feel your authenticity.
What are you doing to deliver an authentic communication of gratitude to your customers, your family, your friends and everyone else who helped you make 2024 as good as it could be?
As you look forward to the New Year remember that you create your own future. The winners are those who view every opportunity as a chance to turn lemons into champagne. As Deepak Chopra says; “The spell that our habits hold over us is one that we have created and thus one we can break.” Resolve to break your negative habits in 2025 and approach every day with an attitude of gratitude.
I want to sincerely thank all of my readers and especially my clients for their business, for following my writings and for being a part of my world. My best wishes for a safe, great holiday season as well as for a very happy, healthy and prosperous 2025!

© Chip Bell Group, 2024. Courtesy of John R. Patterson (www.johnrpatterson.com). Permission is given to download and distribute this article as long as it contains this copyright notice.