
Gratitude – Important for Independence Day and
A True Measure of your Service Warmth – A repeat from last year
because it deserves repeating!

“Thank you” are the two most important words in the English language.  Yet, how often are you served and end up the only one in the equation doing the thanking?  As we approach the celebration of Independence Day we are reminded to take a moment and thank the brave founders of our great country.  These folks were brave enough to sign and adopt the Declaration of Independence on July 4th 1776.  Who stopped to say thank you to these brave men and women?

It is always important and never more so than in today’s tough economy to make sure customers know unmistakably that you do not take them for granted.  If all your customers exited tomorrow (which they certainly could), how well would you fare the day after tomorrow?

The goal of an effective “Thank You” is not simply the expression of a statement but rather the conveyance of a feeling.  We have all been on the receiving end of “thanks” knowing there was little sincerity.  Thanks means communicating gratitude in a fashion that makes customers feel your authenticity.

Great customer service is not “rocket surgery!”  It’s simply focusing on what’s important to customers, not boxing them into absurd boundaries, carefully managing the details to keep the experience simple, and letting them know they are valued.  Service warmth comes from a strong demonstration of gratitude to customers.  It is great to provide a sincere “thank you” but a true measure of the warmth of your service comes from a thank you laced with generosity.

How are you warming up your customers experience with an appropriate thank you?  Does your gratitude to customers include a strong dose of generosity?  In today’s very competitive business climate we need to forge a “steel-like” bond with our customers.  Gratitude and generosity warm up the experience to help you create devoted customers who are loyal advocates for your organization.  Thanks for following and/or visiting my website!

© Chip Bell Group, 2025.  Courtesy of John R. Patterson (www.johnrpatterson.com).  Permission is given to download and distribute this article as long as it contains this copyright notice.