What Does Your Attitude Convey to Customers?

You are in complete control of your attitude.  Victor Frankl in his classic book, Man’s Search For Meaning, described how prisoners at the Auschwitz concentration camp in World War II determined their longevity by the way they imagined their future.  The book has sold over 10 million copies.  Camp survivors did not let their cruel guards determine their attitude toward life.  While they had no control over their physical fate, they did have total domination over how they emotionally viewed their fate.

Customers love service people with a positive attitude!  Generation Y customers (Millennials) who are an increasingly powerful group of customers are on the prowl for great personal experiences.  Making a strong personal connection is a key for attracting and retaining these folks.  It takes a great attitude to establish the kind of connection millennials crave.  Millennials are also quick to judge the experience you provide and quick to tell others about it.  You can’t afford to have even one person in your organization with the wrong attitude today!

At the world famous Stew Leonard’s Dairy, the most successful grocery store in the world, if an employee shows up for work with less than a positive attitude, that employee gets to don the cow suit.  The store’s mascot and brand symbol is a milk cow.  A short time in the cow suit entertaining guests in the store seems to work wonders in transforming a down-in-the-dumps associate into a happy funmeister.  Disneyworld costumed characters are legendary for staying in character, regards of the July heat, noisy crowd, or Monday-morning-after-a-partying-weekend!

You don’t need a suit to convey a contagious happy disposition.  It can come simply for electing to make each day a very special day.  It emerges from an optimistic choice to be more patient, less judgmental and more grateful that you have another day to spread joy to those around you.  Suit up a positive attitude and watch it attract customers eager to give you their funds, their time and their advocacy!  They will also tell other customers about their experience with your business most likely using some form of social media.  We hope it is a good story because social media travels fast and is five times more powerful than word of mouth!  Did you and everyone else in your organization bring your service greatness attitude today?

© Chip Bell Group, 2025.  Courtesy of John R. Patterson (www.johnrpatterson.com).  Permission is given to download and distribute this article as long as it contains this copyright notice.