The Spring of Service

The spring season is a time of metamorphous.  Ugly brown bushes become green blossoms.  Dreary trees become an engaging lush habitat for colorful birds to sing their very best mating songs.  Fat bumble bees visit bright flowers to lap up nectar that nurtures more growth.  The brittle dull ground cover is transformed into an inviting green carpet while unsightly worms become breath-taking butterflies.

Service can have its own spring.  It takes leaders willing to get out of the office and out with customers and the people delivering service.  It takes processes designed and managed from the vantage point of customers.  It means frontline employees taking a “Mickey Mouse never has an off day” attitude.  It involves extra effort to make every customer encounter one remembered as important, valued and special.  And, it takes hard wiring “all about the customer” back into the goal, mission, focus, and raison d’etre of the entire organization.  What can you do to put spring back into the service you provide?

© Chip Bell Group, 2025.  Courtesy of John R. Patterson (  Permission is given to download and distribute this article as long as it contains this copyright notice.