Dance Me to the End of Service

The deep, gravelly voice of Leonard Cohen sings his hit song “Dance Me to the End of Love” to a lingering Hungarian-like melody.  A single violin makes the experience haunting.  The mystery of the tune matches the romance of the words.  Its theme is about keeping a relationship charged with engagement and enrichment coupled with resilience and perseverance in order to honor a long-term commitment.  It is not “live with me” or “hang out with me,” it is “dance me.”

It is a strong message for today’s wired and dangerous customer.  Customers want more than just to be served, they want to be “danced”—a partnership laced with joy and rhythm.  They are uninterested in a short term, once-and-done transaction that requires continually starting over.  They want service providers who serve with an attitude of long-term commitment. They want servers who “dance me” not just “dance with me.” And, given their wired connection to a large community of customers eager for a relationship they can trust, customers can sing your praises with harmony or bark their scorn with discord.

As a service provider, you chose the tune that influences when the dance will be over by the service experience you create, nurture and sustain.  Are you willing to continue delivering great service until the “end of service?”  What can you do to make sure the dance with your customers is a dance that never ends?

© Chip Bell Group, 2025.  Courtesy of John R. Patterson (  Permission is given to download and distribute this article as long as it contains this copyright notice.